Test Plan - In-store Channel

Test Plan - In-store Channel

In-Store Channel Test Cases

All test cases outlined are in our Merchant Integration environment




Acceptance Criteria




Acceptance Criteria


Merchant Configuration


Validate API credentials - Client ID

Merchant's API credentials are present and valid in the Flexiti Developer Portal

Merchant is able to successfully authenticate with Flexiti API using these credentials


Validate API credentials - Client Secret

Merchant's API credentials are present and valid in the Flexiti Developer Portal

Merchant is able to successfully authenticate with Flexiti API using these credentials


Validate API Base URL is referencing correct Flexiti environment 

Merchant's environment should reference Flexiti’s environments


Merchant Authentication and Login


Unsuccessfully Authenticate with Flexiti's POS API - invalid client

Test Case: Access the API with


POST /oauth/token - 400 - invalid_client


Unsuccessfully call an endpoint - Invalid token

Test Case: Call the /token endpoint to generate a token and then call a different endpoint after the "expires_in" value expires.

Any endpoint - 401 - unauthorized


Unsuccessfully call an endpoint - wrong scope

Test Case: Attempt to call the following endpoints with an token that has a “customer” scope:

  • GET /client-id/{client_id}/customers/search

  • GET /client-id/{client_id}/customers/lookup

  • POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/release

  • POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture

  • POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture/{captureId}/return

  • POST /client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/refund

  • GET /client-id/{clientId}/authorizations

  • GET /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}

  • GET /client-id/{clientId}/captures

  • GET /client-id/{client_id}/customers/search - 403 - forbidden

  • GET /client-id/{client_id}/customers/lookup - 403 - forbidden

  • POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/release - 403 - forbidden

  • POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture - 403 - forbidden

  • POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture/{captureId}/return - 403 - forbidden

  • POST /client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/refund - 403 - forbidden

  • GET /client-id/{clientId}/authorizations - 403 - forbidden

  • GET /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId} - 403 - forbidden

  • GET /client-id/{clientId}/captures - 403 - forbidden


Any API call - Session time out

Test Case: 



GET {{pos_url}}/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{{client_id}}/customers/lookup?account_number=0001 - 504 - GATEWAY_TIMEOUT


Successfully Authenticate with Flexiti's POS API

Test Case: Use the correct “client_secret” and “client_id” from the Developer Portal to access the Flexiti API.

POST /oauth/token - 200


Customer Application Flows


Unsuccessful Drivers License Scan 

 Test Case: Send the following request to POST /client-id/{client_id}/customers/driverslicense

{"code": "@\n\u001e\rxxx\n604428040101 DL00310219DLDCAunavI\nDCBNONE\nDCDNONE\nDBA20200515\nDCSNUMBER1\nDACENSTREAM \nDAD\nDBD20140516\nDBB19740515\nDBCZ\nDAYBLU\nDAU163 cm\nDAG55 UNIVERSITY AVE\nDAITORONTO\nDAJON\nDAKM5J 2H7\nDAQD61014070660905\nDCFPEJK368N4\nDCGCAN\nDDEU\nDDFU\nDDGU\r" }

POST /client-id/{client_id}/customers/driverslicense - 409 - Driver License's not supported


Successful Drivers License Scan

 Test Case: Send the following request to POST /client-id/{client_id}/customers/driverslicense

{"code": "@\n\u001e\rANSI\n604428040101 DL00310219DLDCAunavI\nDCBNONE\nDCDNONE\nDBA20200515\nDCSNUMBER1\nDACENSTREAM \nDAD\nDBD20140516\nDBB19740515\nDBCZ\nDAYBLU\nDAU163 cm\nDAG55 UNIVERSITY AVE\nDAITORONTO\nDAJON\nDAKM5J 2H7\nDAQD61014070660905\nDCFPEJK368N4\nDCGCAN\nDDEU\nDDFU\nDDGU\r" }

POST /client-id/{client_id}/customers/driverslicense - 200


New user initiates and then cancels Flexiti application flow

Test Case: To be handled by Merchant’s implementation design, the customer should be able to cancel the transaction process at any time up to the transaction call.

Merchant design driven


New user initiates and fails application flow - missing required parameters

 Test Case:

{ "amount_requested": 5000, "phone_number": "1234567890", "language": "en-CA", "salutation": "mr", "first_name": "Barry", "middle_name": "", "last_name": "Blue", "dob": "1980-01-01", "address_1": "123 Any Street", "address_2": "Apt C", "govid_expiry": "2025-12-12", "city": "Montreal", "province": "QC", "postal_code": "A1A0H1", "govid_type": "CAP", "govid_issuedby": "CANADA", "govid_number": "AB123456", "input_type": "manual", "personal_income": 123123, "household_income": 223123, "housing_type": "Rent", "email": "email@address.com", "occupation_id": "FE", "occupation_title": "Baker", "employer_name": "Tasty Bakery", "employer_phone": "1231231231", "sin": "", "security_qid": "8", "security_answer": "Griphon", "piw": "Cloud", "tos_agreement": true }

POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 409 - "wrong_inputs"

{     "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client-id}/apply",     "message": "Some inputs are wrong!",     "error": "wrong_inputs",     "field_errors": [         {             "param": "monthly_housing_expenses",             "msg": "required"         }     ] }



New user initiates and fails application flow - invalid inputs

 Test Case:

{ "amount_requested": 5000, "phone_number": "5551231231", "language": "en-CA", "salutation": "mr", "first_name": "Garry", "middle_name": "", "last_name": "Blue", "dob": "1980-01-01", "address_1": "123 Any Street", "address_2": "Apt C", "govid_expiry": "2021-12-12", "city": "Montreal", "province": "QC", "postal_code": "A1A0H1", "govid_type": "CAP", "monthly_housing_expenses": 1000, "govid_issuedby": "CANADA", "govid_number": "", "input_type": "manual", "personal_income": "abc", "household_income": 223123, "housing_type": "Rent", "email": "email@address.com", "occupation_id": "FE", "occupation_title": "Baker", "employer_name": "Tasty Bakery", "employer_phone": "1231231231", "sin": "", "security_qid": "8", "security_answer": "Horse", "piw": "Cloud", "tos_agreement": true }

POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 409 - "wrong_inputs"

{     "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client-id}/apply",     "message": "Some inputs are wrong!",     "error": "wrong_inputs",     "field_errors": [         {             "param": "personal_income",             "msg": "invalid",             "value": "abc"         }     ] }



New user initiates and fails application flow - existing customer

 Test Case: To be performed with Flexiti Assistance.

{ "amount_requested": 5000, "phone_number": "5551231231", "language": "en-CA", "salutation": "mr", "first_name": "Existing", "middle_name": "", "last_name": "Customer", "dob": "1980-01-01", "address_1": "123 Any Street", "address_2": "Apt C", "govid_expiry": "2021-12-12", "city": "Montreal", "province": "QC", "postal_code": "A1A0H1", "govid_type": "CAP", "monthly_housing_expenses": 1000, "govid_issuedby": "CANADA", "govid_number": "AB123456", "input_type": "manual", "personal_income": 100000, "household_income": 223123, "housing_type": "Rent", "email": "email@address.com", "occupation_id": "FE", "occupation_title": "Baker", "employer_name": "Tasty Bakery", "employer_phone": "1231231231", "sin": "", "security_qid": "8", "security_answer": "Horse", "piw": "Cloud", "tos_agreement": true }

POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 409 - "customer_already_exists"


New user initiates and fails application flow - terms and conditions required

 Test Case: Any application where "tos_agreement": false

POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 409 -  "tos_agreement_required"

{     "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client-id}/apply",     "message": "It has been following errors:",     "error": "tos_agreement_required" }


New user initiates and fails application flow - SIN number format

 Test Case: Any application where  "sin": 12312

POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 409 - "wrong_inputs"

{     "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client-id}/apply",     "message": "Some inputs are wrong!",     "error": "wrong_inputs",     "field_errors": [         {             "param": "sin",             "msg": "invalid",             "value": 12312         }     ] }



New user initiates and fails application flow - Third Party time out

 Test Case: Any application with "middle_name": "D-EMAIL_DBL_TIMEOUT",

POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 409 - application_create_error 


New Flexiti user initiates and completes application flow - approval

 Test Case: Any application with "middle_name": "A-RR_L",

POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 200 - Approved response


New Flexiti user initiates and completes application flow - pending

 Test Case: Any application with "middle_name": "P-CREDIT",

POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 200 - Pending response


New Flexiti user initiates and completes application flow - decline

 Test Case: Any application with "middle_name": "D-MISSING_INFO",

POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 200 - Declined response


New Non-Prime Flexiti user application flow

 Test Case: Any application with "middle_name": "A-RR_XX"

POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - Response depends on whether non-prime is enabled for the merchant


Customer Management


Customer not found on Lookup

Test Case:


GET /client-id/{client_id}/customers/lookup - 404 - not_found

{     "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client_id}/customers/lookup?customer_id=1111111111111",     "message": "It has been following errors:",     "error": "not_found" }


Customer found not able to transact

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • FlexitiCard #: 6374980111304687

GET /client-id/{client_id}/customers/lookup - 409 - user_not_able_to_purchase


Customer account needs activation

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • FlexitiCard#: 6006102005837476

GET /client-id/{client_id}/customers/lookup - 409 - user_not_active


Successful customer lookup

Test Case:

  • Account #: 2374980012865116

GET /client-id/{client_id}/customers/lookup - 200


Unsuccessful customer search - missing first name

Test Case:


GET /client-id/{client_id}/customers/search - 409 - wrong_inputs

{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client_id}/customers/search?lang=en&last_name=Morley&dob=1964-04-30", "message": "Some inputs are wrong!", "error": "wrong_inputs", "field_errors": [ { "param": "first_name", "msg": "required" } ] }


Unsuccessful customer search - missing last name

Test Case:


GET /client-id/{client_id}/customers/search - 409 - wrong_inputs

{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client_id}/customers/search?lang=en&first_name=David&dob=1964-04-30", "message": "Some inputs are wrong!", "error": "wrong_inputs", "field_errors": [ { "param": "last_name", "msg": "required" } ] }


Unsuccessful customer search - missing DOB

Test Case:


GET /client-id/{client_id}/customers/search - 409 - wrong_inputs

{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{}client-id}/customers/search?lang=en&first_name=David&last_name=Morley", "message": "Some inputs are wrong!", "error": "wrong_inputs", "field_errors": [ { "param": "dob", "msg": "required" } ] }


Unsuccessful customer search - invalid DOB format

Test Case:


GET /client-id/{client_id}/customers/search - 409 - wrong_inputs


Successful customer search

Test Case:


GET /client-id/{client_id}/customers/search - 200


Plan Selection


Customer's Plans and Terms not displayed - customer not found

Test Case:

  • Account #: 1234

POST /pos-api/client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/calculate-interest - 404 - "not_found"


Customer's Plans and Terms displayed (QC Customer Account)

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: 116991631 / FlexitiCard #: 2374980012865116

POST /pos-api/client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/calculate-interest - 200


Customer's Plans and Terms displayed (ROC Customer Account)

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: 116991632 / FlexitiCard #: 2374980012865124

POST /pos-api/client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/calculate-interest - 200


Customer Verification


Customer initiates and then fails verification - account not found

Test Case:

  • Account #: 1234 / FlexitiCard #: 9999999999999999

POST /client-id/{client_id}/account/{account_number}/verify - 404 - not_found

{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client_id}/account/123/verify", "message": "It has been following errors:", "error": "not_found" }


Customer initiates and then fails verification - secret answer mismatch

Test Case:

  • Account #: 116991631

{ "format": "security_question", "security_qid": 8, "security_answer": "Dog" }

POST /client-id/{client_id}/account/{account_number}/verify - 409 - secret_answer_mismatch

{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client_id}/account/116991630/verify", "message": "It has been following errors:", "error": "secret_answer_mismatch" }


Customer successfully receives verification code by email

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account. PIN will be delivered to email address in Developer Portal account Validation tab.

  • Account #: 116991631 / FlexitiCard #: 2374980012865116

POST /client-id/{client_id}/account/{account_number}/verify - 200


Customer successfully receives verification code by SMS

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account. PIN will be delivered to phone number in Developer Portal account Validation tab.

  • Account #: 116991631 / FlexitiCard #: 2374980012865116

POST /client-id/{client_id}/account/{account_number}/verify - 200


Merchant successfully receives verification code with Security Question and Answer

Test Case:

  • Account #: 116991631 / FlexitiCard #: 2374980012865116

{ "format": "security_question", "security_qid": 8, "security_answer": "Horse" }

POST /client-id/{client_id}/account/{account_number}/verify - 200


Flexiti Transactions (Deposit, In-store Payment, Trade-in)


Customer initiates and then cancels Flexiti transaction flow 

Test Case: To be handled by Merchant’s implementation design, the customer should be able to cancel the transaction process at any time up to the transaction call.

Customer successfully cancels the transaction flow prior to the POST /client-id/{client_id}/transactions request


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti transaction - wrong verification code

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

verification_code: 9999

POST /client-id/{client_id}/transactions - 409 - wrong_verification_code


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti transaction - missing verification code

Test Case:

{ "transaction_type": "deposit", "amount": "0.05", "customer_id": 1111111111111111 }

POST /client-id/{client_id}/transactions - 409 - verification_code_required

{     "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client_id}/transactions",     "message": "It has been following errors:",     "error": "verification_code_required" }


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti transaction - VCC (FlexitiCard) not found

Test Case:

  • FlexitiCard #: 9999999999999999

POST /client-id/{client_id}/transactions - 404 - not_found

{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client_id}/transactions", "message": "It has been following errors:", "error": "not_found" }


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti transaction - Customer ID not found

Test Case:

  • Customer ID: 1111111111111111

POST /client-id/{client_id}/transactions - 404 - not_found

{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client_id}/transactions", "message": "It has been following errors:", "error": "not_found" }


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti transaction - Account Number not found

Test Case:

  • Account #: 1111111111111111

POST /client-id/{client_id}/transactions - 404 - not_found

{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client_id}/transactions", "message": "It has been following errors:", "error": "not_found" }


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti transaction - Payment exceeds customer’s Open to Buy

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: provided on request

POST /client-id/{client_id}/transactions - 409 - not_enough_credit


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti transaction - Payment exceeds limit

Test Case: Attempt to make a payment of $15,500

  • Account #: 116991631 / FlexitiCard #: 2374980012865116

POST /client-id/{client_id}/transactions - 409 - limit_payment_amount_24


Customer successfully performs a deposit 

 Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: provided on request

POST /client-id/{client_id}/transactions - 200


Customer successfully performs an in-store payment 

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: provided on request

POST /client-id/{client_id}/transactions - 200


Customer successfully performs a trade-in 

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: provided on request

POST /client-id/{client_id}/transactions - 200


Flexiti Authorization


Customer initiates and then cancels Flexiti Authorization 

To be handled by Merchant’s implementation design, the customer should be able to cancel the transaction process at any time up to the authorization call.

Customer successfully cancels the transaction flow prior to the POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization request


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - wrong verification code

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 409 - wrong_verification_code


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - missing verification code

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 409 - verification_code_required


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - Account Number not found

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: 1234

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 404 - not_found


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - user not able to purchase

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: 116991633 / FlexitiCard #: 2374980012865132

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 409 - user_not_able_to_purchase


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - not enough credit

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: provided on request

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 409 - credit_exceeded


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - invalid plan ID

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 409 - plan_term_not_set


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - invalid term

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 409 - plan_term_not_set


Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - plan not available to customer

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: provided on request

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 409 - plan_term_not_available


Customer successfully performs a regular purchase authorization (QC Account)

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: provided on request

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200


Customer successfully performs a promotional purchase authorization (QC Account)

  • Using a QC-eligible plan (i.e. EMP no interest 3 months - plan_id 5 if active)

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: provided on request

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200


Customer successfully performs a promotional purchase authorization (QC Account)

  • Using a QC-non-eligible plan (i.e. S.A.C 3 months - plan_id 6 if active)

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: provided on request



Customer successfully performs a regular purchase authorization (ROC account)

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: provided on request

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200


Customer successfully performs a promotional purchase authorization (ROC Account)

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

  • Account #: provided on request

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200


Response in "account_avs" with customer address matching values

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200


Merchant Order  Management


Unsuccessfully release an authorization - wrong transaction ID

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/release - not_found


Unsuccessfully release an authorization - total requested more than authorization

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/release - auth_amount_exceeded


Unsuccessfully release an authorization - authorization ended

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account with Flexiti assistance.

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/release - authorization_ended


Unsuccessfully release an authorization - employee does not have permission

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account with Flexiti assistance

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/release - not_permitted


Perform a full release of an Authorization

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/release - 200


Perform a partial release of an Authorization

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/release - 200


Unsuccessfully capture an authorization - customer not able to purchase

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account with Flexiti assistance.

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture - 409 - not_permitted


Unsuccessfully capture an authorization - authorization not capturable

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account with Flexiti assistance.

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture - 409 - not_permitted


Unsuccessfully capture an authorization - wrong authorization ID

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture - 404 - not_found


Unsuccessfully capture an authorization - amount greater than authorization

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture - 409 - auth_amount_exceeded


Fully Capture an authorization

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture - 200


Partially Capture an authorization

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture - 200


Unsuccessfully refund a captured regular purchase - customer account not found

Test Case:

Account #: 1234

POST /client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/refund - 404 - not_found


Unsuccessfully refund a captured regular purchase - refund exceeds limit

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account with Flexiti assistance.

POST /client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/refund - 409 - refunds_limit_exceeded_amount


Perform a full refund of a captured regular purchase

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/refund - 200


Perform a Partial Refund of a captured regular purchase

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/refund - 200


Unsuccessfully return a captured promotional purchase - wrong authorization ID

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture/{captureId}/return


Unsuccessfully return a captured promotional purchase - return exceeds limit

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture/{captureId}/return


Perform a full Return on a captured promotional purchase

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture/{captureId}/return - 200


Perform a Partial return of a captured promotional purchase

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture/{captureId}/return - 200


Unsuccessfully view list of Authorizations available for capture - wrong dates

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

GET /client-id/{clientId}/authorizations - 409 - date_from_bigger_than_date_to


View a list of Authorizations available for capture

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

GET /client-id/{clientId}/authorizations - 200


Unsuccessfully view an authorization - authorization not found

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

GET /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId} - 409 - not_found


View an authorization

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

GET /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId} - 200


Unsuccessfully View a list of captures - wrong dates

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

GET /client-id/{clientId}/captures - 409 - date_from_bigger_than_date_to


View a list of captures

Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

GET /client-id/{clientId}/captures - 200


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