Test Plan - Business Account

Test Plan - Business Account




Acceptance Criteria


Business Account Application


Business Account Application Fails – Invalid Inputs

Check if you can progress without Business name or phone

POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 409 - "wrong_inputs"


New Business Account - Approval

Test Case: Any application with "middle_name": "A-RR_L",

POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 200 - Approved response


New Business Account - Pending

Test Case: Any application with "middle_name": "P-CREDIT",

POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 200 - Pending response


New Business Account – Decline

Test Case: Any application with "middle_name": "D-MISSING_INFO",

POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 200 - Declined response


Customer Buy Flow

(Business Account must be registered with Authorized User prior to beginning the purchase flow – steps below)


Authorized User unsuccessfully performs transaction.


Test Case:

Pass VCC: 2374980012873425

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 404


Authorized User successfully performs a regular purchase authorization (QC Account)


Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200



Authorized User successfully performs a promotional purchase authorization (QC Account)


Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200



Authorized User successfully performs a regular purchase authorization (ROC account)


Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200



Authorized User successfully performs a promotional purchase authorization (ROC Account)


Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account

POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200


All Transactions

Check for SKU data

Collect VCC and manually cycle statements

Flexiti team will check and report the test results upon request


Adding Authorized Users to Business Accounts

  1. To add an authorized user to a pre-existing business account, you can start at http://my.flexiti.com .

  2. If you have yet to do so, register your account by selecting “Register my Flexiti Account

  3. Next, enter your FlexitiCard number. You can find this in your welcome email or on your FlexitiCard.

  4. After entering your card number, enter your Personal Identification Word (PIW). This is configured when completing the initial application.

  5. You will then be asked to answer your security question. This was also selected at your time of application.

  6. Complete the registration by selecting a username and password.

  7. After creating a username and password, you can login to the customer portal.

  8. In the customer portal (my.flexiti.fi), you can add an Authorized User to the business account by select “Authorized Users” under the “Manage Account” tab on the left-hand column.

  9. The window will then display an “Add User” button on the right-hand side; select that button to begin adding an authorized user.

  10. Complete the addition of an authorized user by filling in the personal information of that user. Once completed, finish this step by selecting “Create user” at the bottom of the screen.



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