Test Plan - Online Channel
Online Channel Test Cases
All test cases outlined are in our Merchant Integration environment
Case | Summary | Description | Acceptance Criteria |
A | Merchant Configuration | ||
A-1 | Validate API credentials - Client ID | Merchant's API credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) are present and valid in the Flexiti Developer Portal | Merchant is able to successfully authenticate with Flexiti API using these credentials |
A-2 | Validate API credentials - Client Secret | Merchant's API credentials (Client ID and Client Secret) are present and valid in the Flexiti Developer Portal | Merchant is able to successfully authenticate with Flexiti API using these credentials |
A-3 | Validate API Base URL is referencing correct Flexiti environmentĀ | Merchant's environment should reference the correct Flexiti environments |
A-4 | Validate Disclaimers and Links | Verify that all disclaimers, pdfs, and links are working correctly | Verified by Marketing Team |
A-5 | Validate Field Lengths | Compare accepted field lengths with parameter lengths | Verified by Implementation Team |
A-6 | Verify that any merchant-scope API calls are made from the Merchant Server-side (i.e. POST oauth/token, /capture, GET /authorizations, /captures, /lookup, /search) | Ensure that all API Endpoints that require a merchant scope are made from the server-side | Verify that any merchant scope API calls are made from the merchant server-side |
A-7 | Verify that the APIs are called with the correct scope | Verify that the following API endpoints are called with the ācustomerā scope:
| Verified by Implementation Team |
B | Merchant Authentication and Login | ||
B-1 | Unsuccessfully Authenticate with Flexiti's POS API - invalid client | Test Case: Access the API with 'client_id=xxxxxx' | POST /oauth/token - 400 - invalid_client |
B-2 | Unsuccessfully call an endpoint - Invalid token | Test Case: Call the /token endpoint to generate a token and then call a different endpoint after the "expires_in" value expires. | Any endpoint - 401 - unauthorized |
B-3 | Unsuccessfully call an endpoint - wrong scope | Test Case: Attempt to call the following endpoints with an token that has a ācustomerā scope:
B-4 | Any API call - Session time out | Test Case:Ā {{pos_url}}/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{{client_id}}/customers/lookup?account_number=0001 Ā | GET {{pos_url}}/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{{client_id}}/customers/lookup?account_number=0001 - 504 - GATEWAY_TIMEOUT |
B-5 | Successfully Authenticate with Flexiti's POS API | Test Case: Use the correct āclient_secretā and āclient_idā from the Developer Portal to access the Flexiti API. | POST /oauth/token - 200 |
C | Customer Apply & Apply/Buy Flows | ||
C-1 | Apply & Apply/Buy - Widget - /init endpoint | ||
C-1.1 | Customer already has an account that needs to be to activated Ā | Test Case: {
"customer_identification": {
"personal_information": {
"first_name": "Prodip",
"middle_name": "",
"last_name": "Das",
"dob": "1967-06-01",
"postal_code": "M1J2A7"
"flow": "apply",
"email": "test@example.com",
"phone_number": 5550097339,
"address_1": "225 HICKORY STREET NORTH #306",
"city": "Whitby",
"province": "ON",
"tos_agreement": true
} | POST /client-id/{{client_id}}/widget/init - 200 action:Ā "activation"
type:Ā "flx-success"
verified:Ā false Ā |
C-1.2 | Customer submits a new application and Flexiti identifies the customer has an existing account. Ā | Test Case: {
Ā Ā Ā Ā "customer_identification":Ā {
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā "personal_information":Ā {
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā "first_name":Ā "CERTIFICATION",
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā "middle_name":Ā "",
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā "last_name":Ā "EXISTING",
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā "dob":Ā "1980-01-01",
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā "postal_code":Ā "M6S2R5"
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā }
Ā Ā Ā Ā },
Ā Ā Ā Ā "flow":Ā "apply",
Ā Ā Ā Ā "email":Ā "test@example.com",
Ā Ā Ā Ā "phone_number":Ā 5551231231,
Ā Ā Ā Ā "address_1":Ā "123Ā AnyĀ Street",
Ā Ā Ā Ā "city":Ā "Montreal",
Ā Ā Ā Ā "province":Ā "QC",
Ā Ā Ā Ā "tos_agreement":Ā true
} Ā | POST /client-id/{{client_id}}/widget/init - 200 action:Ā "purchase"
type:Ā "flx-success"
verified:Ā false |
C-1.3 | Customer submits a new application (widget) | Test Case: Use a new application payload but pass the key below as the middle name: "middle_name": "A-RR_L" | POST /client-id/{{client_id}}/widget/init - 200 action:Ā "apply"
type:Ā "flx-success"
verified:Ā true/false Send the application payload through the POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply endpoint Ā |
C-1.4 | New Flexiti user initiates and completes application flow - pending | Test Case: Use a new application payload but pass the key below as the middle name: "middle_name": "P-CREDIT" Ā | POST /client-id/{{client_id}}/widget/init - 200 action:Ā "apply"
type:Ā "flx-success"
verified:Ā true/false Send the application payload through the POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply endpoint |
C-1.5 | New Flexiti user initiates and completes application flow - decline | Test Case: Use a new application payload but pass the key below as the middle name: "middle_name": "D-CREDIT" Ā | POST /client-id/{{client_id}}/widget/init - 200 action:Ā "apply"
type:Ā "flx-success"
verified:Ā true/false Send the application payload through the POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply endpoint |
C-1.6 | Customer submits a new application that will be declined due to a derogatory statusās on an existing account. Ā | Test Case: {
"customer_identification": {
"personal_information": {
"first_name": "CERTIFICATION",
"middle_name": "",
"last_name": "04TEST",
"dob": "1930-01-01",
"postal_code": "M6S2R5"
"flow": "apply",
"email": "test@example.com",
"phone_number": 5551231231,
"address_1": "123 Any Street",
"city": "Toronto",
"province": "ON",
"tos_agreement": true
} | POST /client-id/{{client_id}}/widget/init - 200 action:Ā "apply"
type:Ā "flx-success"
verified:Ā false Send the application payload through the POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply endpoint |
C-1.7 | Customer attempts an application but there is an IT related error. Ā | To be performed with Flexiti Assistance. Test Case: Use a new application payload but pass the key below as the middle name: "middle_name": "D-EMAIL_DBL_TIMEOUT", Ā | POST /client-id/{{client_id}}/widget/init - 409 -application_create_error action:Ā "retry"
type:Ā "flx-success"
verified:Ā false Ā |
C-1.8 | Customer initiates and then fails verification | Test Case: Create Application with new information and enter 1111 as the pin 4 times. | POST /client-id/{{client_id}}/widget/init - 200 action:Ā "apply"
type:Ā "flx-success"
verified:Ā false Send the application payload through the POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply endpoint Ā |
C-2 | Apply & Apply/Buy - Application - /apply endpoint | ||
C-2.1 | Application submission fails - invalid inputs | Ā Test Case: {
"amount_requested": 5000,
"phone_number": "5551231231",
"language": "en-CA",
"salutation": "mr",
"first_name": "Garry",
"middle_name": "",
"last_name": "Blue",
"dob": "1980-01-01",
"address_1": "123 Any Street",
"address_2": "Apt C",
"city": "Montreal",
"province": "QC",
"postal_code": "A1A0H1",
"monthly_housing_expenses": 1000,
"input_type": "manual",
"personal_income": "abc",
"household_income": 223123,
"housing_type": "Rent",
"email": "email@address.com",
"occupation_id": "FE",
"occupation_title": "Baker",
"employer_name": "Tasty Bakery",
"employer_phone": "1231231231",
"sin": "",
"security_qid": "8",
"security_answer": "Horse",
"piw": "Cloud",
"tos_agreement": true
} | POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 409 - " {
Ā Ā Ā Ā "url":Ā "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client-id}/apply",
Ā Ā Ā Ā "message":Ā "SomeĀ inputsĀ areĀ wrong!",
Ā Ā Ā Ā "error":Ā "wrong_inputs",
Ā Ā Ā Ā "field_errors":Ā [
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā {
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā "param":Ā "personal_income",
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā "msg":Ā "invalid",
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā "value":Ā "abc"
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā }
Ā Ā Ā Ā ]
} Ā |
C-2.2 | Application submission fails - Terms and Conditions required | Ā Test Case: Any application where | POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 409 -Ā "tos_agreement_required" {
Ā Ā Ā Ā "url":Ā "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client-id}/apply",
Ā Ā Ā Ā "message":Ā "ItĀ hasĀ beenĀ followingĀ errors:",
Ā Ā Ā Ā "error":Ā "tos_agreement_required"
} |
C-2.3 | New Flexiti user initiates and completes application flow - approval | Ā Test Case: Any application with | POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 200 - |
C-2.4 | New Flexiti user initiates and completes application flow - pending | Ā Test Case: Any application with | POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 200 - |
C-2.5 | New Flexiti user initiates and completes application flow - decline | Ā Test Case: Any application with | POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply - 200 - |
C-3 | Apply/Buy - Plan Section - /calculate-interest endpoint | ||
See D-2 | |||
C-4 | Apply/Buy - Purchase - /authorization endpoint | ||
See D-3 | |||
D | Customer Buy Flow | ||
D-1 | Buy - Widget - /init endpoint | ||
D-1.1 | Customer initiates and then fails verification - account not found | Test Case:
| POST /client-id/{{client_id}}/widget/init - 404 - not_found {
"url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/{client_id}/account/123/verify",
"message": "It has been following errors:",
"error": "not_found"
} |
D-2 | Buy - Plan Section - /calculate-interest endpoint | ||
D-2.1 | Customer's Plans and Terms not displayed - account not found | Test Case:
| POST /pos-api/client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/calculate-interest - 404 - "not_found" |
D-2.2 | Customer's Plans and Terms displayed (QC Customer Account) | Test Case:
| POST /pos-api/client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/calculate-interest - 200 |
D-2.3 | Customer's Plans and Terms displayed (ROC Customer Account) | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account
| POST /pos-api/client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/calculate-interest - 200 |
D-3 | Buy - Purchase - /authorization endpoint | ||
D-3.1 | Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - not verified | Test Case:
| POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 409 - not_verified |
D-3.2 | Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - Account Number not found | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account
| POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 404 - not_found |
D-3.3 | Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - user not able to purchase | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account
| POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 409 - user_not_able_to_purchase |
D-3.4 | Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - not enough credit | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account
| POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 409 - credit_exceeded |
D-3.5 | Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - invalid plan ID | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 409 - plan_term_not_set |
D-3.5 | Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - invalid term | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 409 - plan_term_not_set |
D-3.7 | Customer initiates and then fails Flexiti authorization - plan not available to customer | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account
| POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 409 - plan_term_not_available |
D-3.8 | Customer successfully performs a regular purchase authorization (QC Account) | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account
| POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200 |
D-3.9 | Customer successfully performs a promotional purchase authorization (QC Account) | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account
| POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200 |
D-3.10 | Customer successfully performs a regular purchase authorization (ROC account) | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account
| POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200 |
D-3.11 | Customer successfully performs a promotional purchase authorization (ROC Account) | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account
| POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200 |
D-3.12 | Response in "account_avs" with customer address matching values | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200 |
D-3.13 | Billing and Shipping Information should be separately passed in and matching the expected values | Test Case: Run an authorization where the billing and shipping information are not matching each other | POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200 Verify with the Flexiti implementation team that the request received has the different corresponding billing & shipping info. |
D3.14 | In-store pick-ups: If in-store pick-ups is desired for online, the shipping address passed in is the store address. | Test Case: Process a transaction for instore pickup (Thereās no difference from the Flexiti APIās perspective) | POST /client-id/{client-id}/authorization - 200 Verify with the Flexiti implementation team & the merchant dev team that the shipping info received by Flexiti is that of the pick-up store info. |
E | Merchant OrderĀ Management | ||
E-1 | Unsuccessfully release an authorization - wrong transaction ID | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/release - not_found |
E-2 | Unsuccessfully release an authorization - total requested more than authorization | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/release - auth_amount_exceeded |
E-3 | Unsuccessfully release an authorization - authorization ended | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account with Flexiti assistance. | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/release - authorization_ended |
E-4 | Unsuccessfully release an authorization - employee does not have permission | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account with Flexiti assistance | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/release - not_permitted |
E-5 | Perform a full release of an Authorization | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/release - 200 |
E-6 | Perform a partial release of an Authorization | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/release - 200 |
E-7 | Unsuccessfully capture an authorization - customer not able to purchase | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account with Flexiti assistance. | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture - 409 - not_permitted |
E-8 | Unsuccessfully capture an authorization - authorization not capturable | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account with Flexiti assistance. | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture - 409 - not_permitted |
E-9 | Unsuccessfully capture an authorization - wrong authorization ID | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture - 404 - not_found |
E-10 | Unsuccessfully capture an authorization - amount greater than authorization | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture - 409 - auth_amount_exceeded |
E-11 | Fully Capture an authorization | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture - 200 |
E-12 | Partially Capture an authorization | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture - 200 |
E-13 | Unsuccessfully refund a captured regular purchase - customer account not found | Test Case: Account #: 1234 | POST /client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/refund - 404 - not_found |
E-14 | Unsuccessfully refund a captured regular purchase - refund exceeds limit | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account with Flexiti assistance. | POST /client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/refund - 409 - refunds_limit_exceeded_amount |
E-15 | Perform a full refund of a captured regular purchase | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/refund - 200 |
E-16 | Perform a Partial Refund of a captured regular purchase | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/refund - 200 |
E-17 | Unsuccessfully return a captured promotional purchase - wrong authorization ID | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture/{captureId}/return |
E-18 | Unsuccessfully return a captured promotional purchase - return exceeds limit | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture/{captureId}/return |
E-19 | Perform a full Return on a captured promotional purchase | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture/{captureId}/return - 200 |
E-20 | Perform a Partial return of a captured promotional purchase | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | POST /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId}/capture/{captureId}/return - 200 |
E-21 | Unsuccessfully view list of Authorizations available for capture - wrong dates | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | GET /client-id/{clientId}/authorizations - 409 - date_from_bigger_than_date_to |
E-22 | View a list of Authorizations available for capture | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | GET /client-id/{clientId}/authorizations - 200 |
E-23 | Unsuccessfully view an authorization - authorization not found | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | GET /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId} - 409 - not_found |
E-24 | View an authorization | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | GET /client-id/{clientId}/authorization/{authorizationId} - 200 |
E-25 | Unsuccessfully View a list of captures - wrong dates | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | GET /client-id/{clientId}/captures - 409 - date_from_bigger_than_date_to |
E-26 | View a list of captures | Test Case: Merchant generated from test data in sandbox account | GET /client-id/{clientId}/captures - 200 |