How to Implement the Purchase Flow

How to Implement the Purchase Flow

Purchase Flows

In-store Transactions

Online Transactions

For Online Apply & Buy Flow, see https://flexiti.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FDP/pages/44236829/Application+Flow+-+Implementation+Instructions#Online-Channel-Application-Flow

Customer Checkout - Selecting Financing Option

To populate the screens that the customer will see during checkout you will use the GET /calculate-interest endpoint. On that endpoint you will pass the customer’s Flexiti account number and the dollar amount of the purchase. We will respond back with all of the plans and terms the customer has available at the Merchant. This will depend on:

  • The Plans and Terms the Merchant has available

  • The customer’s risk rating

  • The customer’s province of residence

The response back from Flexiti consists of five segments of information:

  1. account_number - Customer’s Account Number

  2. amount - Purchase Amount

  3. Customer related information

    1. air - Annual Interest Rate

    2. available_credit - Available Credit on the customer’s account

    3. first_name - Customer’s first name

    4. last_name - Customer’s last name

    5. category_type - Customer’s risk rating category

  4. Regular Purchase details (if regular revolve purchases are available)

  5. Promotional Plan and Term details broken out by individual plans (if promotional plan purchases are available)

Example Response showing plans available

... "regular_purchase": { "term_amount": 250, "air": 0.289, "fees": [] }, "promotional_purchase": [ { "plan_id": 4, "terms": [ { "term": 3, "term_amount": 20.33, "apr": 0.0999, "fees": [ { "description": "Administrative fees:", "amount": 49.99, "type": "admin_total", "message": "Although your administrative fee may be represented as a monthly or annual amount, the fee is due in full if the account is paid off early. See terms and conditions for full details." } ] } ] }, ...

Regular Purchase Information

  1. term_amount - this will always be the purchase price as regular revolve purchases have a single term

  2. air - Annual Interest Rate

  3. fees - this array will contain administrative fee information on the purchase, if empty no administrative fees are applicable, just display $0.

Regular Purchase Display

Regular Purchase - ROC Customer

Regular Purchase Display


Parameters Displayed

  1. term_amount

  2. air

  3. fees.description: fees.amount / fees.type

Regular Purchase - QC Customer


Parameters Displayed

  1. term_amount

  2. air

  3. fees

  4. fees.description: fees.amount / fees.type

  5. fees.message

Promotional Purchase Information

  1. plan_id - The Plan ID which corresponds to the Plan Names returned on on the GET /i18n endpoint or GET /lookup endpoint.

  2. terms - term information broken out as follows for each array of terms available:

    1. term - number of terms

    2. term_amount - the dollar amount owed per term

    3. apr - Annual Promotional Interest Rate

    4. fees - fee information broken out as follows:

      1. description - description of the fees to be displayed to the customer at checkout

      2. amount - dollar amount of the fees

      3. type - whether the fees are displayed per month or total

      4. message - any customer facing message to be displayed to the customer at checkout

Promotional Purchase Plan Display

Equal Monthly Payment Plans - ROC Customer

Parameters Displayed

  1. term_amount

  2. plan name for plan_id derived from either:

    1. the GET /i18n endpoint.

    2. the GET /lookup endpoint

  3. term

  4. amount

  5. apr

  6. fees.description: fees.amount / fees.type

  7. fees.message

Equal Monthly Payment Plans - QC Customer


Parameters Displayed

  1. term_amount

  2. plan name for plan_id derived from the GET /i18n endpoint.

  3. term

  4. amount

  5. apr

  6. fees.message












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