Be able to answer your customers main financing questions with the Flexiti Landing Page.
Customers want to know what financing options you have available. With the Flexiti Landing Page, you will be able to communicate they plan types you have available as well as the benefits that customers receive when they become a FlexitiCard cardholder.
Be proactive in answering your customer questions before they event arise. Customers that have questions about the FlexitiCard may be hesitant to complete a purchase. Mitigate any hesitation by sharing how Flexiti’s approval process and payments processes work.
To access our comprehensive landing page template, please refer to the details below to access the right version and begin your online integration:
We strongly recommend that you include a financing specific landing page to your e-commerce site. This will help communicate the benefits of financing with Flexiti to your customers and encourage them to apply. You can download our template. We have landing pages for both Quebec and the Rest of Canada, in English and French.
English Links:
See where you can shop -
Login -
Flexiti Network -
Contact us -
French links:
Explorer le réseau de détaillants -
Connexion -
Réseau Flexiti -
Contactez-nous -
Mobile and Desktop Versions
Sketch Files
PDF Proofs
HTML , CSS, Fonts, and Assets