These endpoints support Merchant integrations of Flexiti services.
In order to use it add the refresh token (provided in the original /oauth/token call) and change the grant_type to refresh_token. More information available here: How to Implement the Refresh Token
Scope Parameter Usage (IMPORTANT)
For the token endpoint there are two possible scopes: merchant or customer.
merchant or customer.
A token with a customer scope will be allowed in all endpoints required by customer facing UI, other endpoints will considered this token invalidtoken invalid
When to use: for Online channel implementations during the application and authorization flows (outlined below).
A token with a merchant scope will be allowed for all endpoints
When to use: for In-store channel implementations, or Online channel back office processes like capturing an authorization, releasing, refunding/returning, etc.
The endpoints that should be called using a customer scope should be:
POST /client-id/{client_id}/i18n
GET /client-id/{client_id}/terms-and-conditions
POST /client-id/{client_id}/customers/driverslicense
POST /client-id/{client_id}widget/init
POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply
POST /client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/close
POST /client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/calculate-interest
POST /client-id/{client_id}/account/{account_number}/verify
POST /client-id/{client_id}/authorization
Request Parameters:
Type | Parameter | Required | Details |
FORMDATA | client_id | Yes |
FORMDATA | client_secret | Yes |
HEADER | x-reference-id | Yes |
BODY | grant_type |
| |
BODY | refresh_token |
| |
BODY | scope |
Example Request:
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "client_id": "flexitidemo", "client_secret": "77xde15a-9d33-4c15-930a-3se4b3as33e9", "grant_type": "client_credentials", "scope": "merchant" } |
Response Parameters:
Type | Parameter | Details |
BODY | access_token |
BODY | expires_in |
BODY | refresh_token |
Success Response:
Code Block |
{ "token_type": "bearer", "access_token": "2d8f373a3c2b1e61baf5a7769930ff4f0e08cdb0", "expires_in": 1200, "refresh_token": "36e0fc3d7415145f4b1d71512c459fd6eaa13aa8", "scope": "merchant" } |
This endpoint will return information for application form value values and customer facing messaging purposeslike disclaimers
You can retrieve all information or filter for specific messages using a key in the URL
Request Parameters:
Type | Parameter | Required | Details |
HEADER | authorization | Yes |
HEADER | x-reference-id | Yes |
PATH | client_id | Yes |
QUERY | lang |
| |
QUERY | {key} |
Success Response:
Code Block |
{ "salutations": { "mr": "Mr.", "ms": "Ms.", "mrs": "Mrs.", "mss": "Miss." }, "provinces": { "AB": "Alberta", "BC": "British Columbia", "MB": "Manitoba", "NB": "New Brunswick", "NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador", "NS": "Nova Scotia", "NT": "Northwest Territories", "NU": "Nunavut", "ON": "Ontario", "PE": "Prince Edward Island", "QC": "Quebec", "SK": "Saskatchewan", "YT": "Yukon Territory" }, "security_ids": { "4": "What is the name of your favourite childhood friend?", "5": "What is the country of your ultimate dream vacation?", "6": "What was the first concert you attended?", "7": "What is the name of the street you grew up on?", "8": "What is the name of your first grade teacher?", "9": "What is your favourite movie?" }, "govid_types": { "CADL": "Driver's Licence", "CAHC": "Health Card", "CAPID": "Provincial ID Card", "CAP": "Passport", "CAPRC": "Permanent Resident Card", "CAICBC": "Insurance Corporation of British Columbia", "CAAR": "Alberta Registries", "CASGI": "Saskatchewan Government Insurance", "CADSNS": "Department of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations", "CADPPEI": "Department of Transportation and Public Works of the Province of Prince Edward Island", "CASNB": "Service New Brunswick", "CADGSNF": "Department of Government Services and Lands of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador", "CADTNW": "Department of Transportation of the Northwest Territories", "CADCTN": "Department of Community Government and Transportation of the Territory of Nunavut", "CACSC": "Correctional Service Canada identification card (with the individual's name and photograph)", "CAGCEC": "Government of Canada employee identity card (with the individual's name and photograph)", "CALCB": "Liquor Control Board Age of Majority (BYID) card", "CACFL": "Canadian Firearms licence", "CACFID": "Canadian Forces identification card", "CAMPIC": "MPIC card issued by the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation", "CACAID": "NEXUS or CANPASS Air membership card (issued by Canada Border Services Agency)" }, "govid_issued_bys": { "option_depends": { "CADL": { "AB": "Alberta", "BC": "British Columbia", "MB": "Manitoba", "NB": "New Brunswick", "NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador", "NS": "Nova Scotia", "NT": "Northwest Territories", "NU": "Nunavut", "ON": "Ontario", "PE": "Prince Edward Island", "QC": "Quebec", "SK": "Saskatchewan", "YT": "Yukon Territory" }, "CAHC": { "BC": "British Columbia", "NB": "New Brunswick", "NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador", "NT": "Northwest Territories", "NU": "Nunavut", "QC": "Quebec", "SK": "Saskatchewan", "YT": "Yukon Territory" }, "CAPID": { "ON": "Ontario" }, "CAP": { "CANADA": "Canada" }, "CAPRC": { "CANADA": "Canada" }, "CAICBC": { "BC": "British Columbia" }, "CAAR": { "AB": "Alberta" }, "CASGI": { "SK": "Saskatchewan" }, "CADSNS": { "NS": "Nova Scotia" }, "CADPPEI": { "PE": "Prince Edward Island" }, "CASNB": { "NB": "New Brunswick" }, "CADGSNF": { "NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador" }, "CADTNW": { "NT": "Northwest Territories" }, "CADCTN": { "NU": "Nunavut" }, "CACSC": { "CANADA": "Canada" }, "CAGCEC": { "CANADA": "Canada" }, "CALCB": { "AB": "Alberta", "BC": "British Columbia", "MB": "Manitoba", "NB": "New Brunswick", "NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador", "NS": "Nova Scotia", "NT": "Northwest Territories", "NU": "Nunavut", "ON": "Ontario", "PE": "Prince Edward Island", "QC": "Quebec", "SK": "Saskatchewan", "YT": "Yukon Territory" }, "CACFL": { "CANADA": "Canada" }, "CACFID": { "CANADA": "Canada" }, "CAMPIC": { "MB": "Manitoba" }, "CACAID": { "CANADA": "Canada" } } }, "occupation_ids": { "options": { "FE": "Full-time Employment", "PE": "Part-time Employment", "SE": "Self-Employed", "RT": "Retired", "ST": "Student", "HM": "Homemaker", "DS": "Disability", "SW": "Seasonal Worker", "UE": "Unemployed with income", "UW": "Unemployed without income", "OT": "Other" } }, "transaction_types": { "promotional_purchase": "Financed Purchase", "regular_purchase": "Revolving Purchase" }, "plan_ids": {ids": { "1": "90 Days Grace, Equal Payments Regular Interest", "2": "Equal Payments, Low Interest", "14": "90 Days Grace, Equal Payments, Regular Interest", "25": "Equal Payments, LowNo Interest", "46": "EqualNo PaymentsInterest, No Regular InterestPayments (S.A.C.)", "57": "EqualNo PaymentsInterest, No InterestPayments", "69": "No Interest, Minimum monthly payments" }, No Payments (S.A.C.) "qcpa_disclosure": "...", "7insurance": "No Interest...", No Payments", "insurance_tc": "...", "9annual_fees": "No Interest, Minimum monthly payments" ...", "housing_type": { }, "qcpa_disclosureRent": "...",Rent", "insuranceOwned": "...Owned", "insurance_tc "Relatives": "...Lives with Relatives", "annual_feesOther": "...Other" } } |
POST /client-id/{clientId}/widget/init
The Flexiti widget is used in for the Online channel only, and is for high orchestration scenarios, such as customer verification , using and multiple account selection. It is a UI component as that’s an entry point to the Flexiti credit application and purchase flowsflow.
For full Widget documentation start here - Flexiti Widget - POS API Online Channel - POS APIPurchase Flow