Merchant Integration Endpoints - POS API
These endpoints support Merchant integrations of Flexiti services.
POST /oauth/token
Please note the parameters should not be passed as Query string, the service is expecting an application/x-www-form-url encoded payload.
This service Authenticates the developer user and provides a Bearer Token that needs to be used as part of every future request.
The refresh token is used to get a new access token when the current one is about to expire. It cannot be refreshed after it is expired
In order to use it add the refresh token (provided in the original /oauth/token call) and change the grant_type to refresh_token. More information available here: How to Implement the Refresh Token
Scope Parameter Usage (IMPORTANT)
For the token endpoint there are two possible scopes: merchant or customer.
A token with a customer scope will be allowed in all endpoints required by customer facing UI, other endpoints will considered this token invalid
When to use: for Online channel implementations during the application and authorization flows (outlined below).
A token with a merchant scope will be allowed for all endpoints
When to use: for In-store channel implementations, or Online channel back office processes like capturing an authorization, releasing, refunding/returning, etc.
The endpoints that should be called using a customer scope should be:
POST /client-id/{client_id}/i18n
GET /client-id/{client_id}/terms-and-conditions
POST /client-id/{client_id}/customers/driverslicense
POST /client-id/{client_id}widget/init
POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply
POST /client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/close
POST /client-id/{client_id}/accounts/{account_number}/calculate-interest
POST /client-id/{client_id}/account/{account_number}/verify
POST /client-id/{client_id}/authorization
Request Parameters:
Type | Parameter | Required | Details |
FORMDATA | client_id | Yes |
FORMDATA | client_secret | Yes |
HEADER | x-reference-id | Yes |
BODY | grant_type |
| |
BODY | refresh_token |
BODY | scope |
Example Request:
"client_id": "flexitidemo",
"client_secret": "77xde15a-9d33-4c15-930a-3se4b3as33e9",
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"scope": "merchant"
Response Parameters:
Type | Parameter | Details |
BODY | access_token |
BODY | expires_in |
BODY | refresh_token |
Success Response:
"token_type": "bearer",
"access_token": "2d8f373a3c2b1e61baf5a7769930ff4f0e08cdb0",
"expires_in": 1200,
"refresh_token": "36e0fc3d7415145f4b1d71512c459fd6eaa13aa8",
"scope": "merchant"
GET /client-id/{client_id}/i18n
This endpoint will return information for application form values and customer facing messaging like disclaimers
You can retrieve all information or filter for specific messages using a key in the URL
Request Parameters:
Type | Parameter | Required | Details |
HEADER | authorization | Yes |
HEADER | x-reference-id | Yes |
PATH | client_id | Yes |
QUERY | lang |
| |
QUERY | {key} |
Success Response:
"salutations": {
"mr": "Mr.",
"ms": "Ms.",
"mrs": "Mrs.",
"mss": "Miss."
"provinces": {
"AB": "Alberta",
"BC": "British Columbia",
"MB": "Manitoba",
"NB": "New Brunswick",
"NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador",
"NS": "Nova Scotia",
"NT": "Northwest Territories",
"NU": "Nunavut",
"ON": "Ontario",
"PE": "Prince Edward Island",
"QC": "Quebec",
"SK": "Saskatchewan",
"YT": "Yukon Territory"
"security_ids": {
"4": "What is the name of your favourite childhood friend?",
"5": "What is the country of your ultimate dream vacation?",
"6": "What was the first concert you attended?",
"7": "What is the name of the street you grew up on?",
"8": "What is the name of your first grade teacher?",
"9": "What is your favourite movie?"
"govid_types": {
"CADL": "Driver's Licence",
"CAHC": "Health Card",
"CAPID": "Provincial ID Card",
"CAP": "Passport",
"CAPRC": "Permanent Resident Card",
"CAICBC": "Insurance Corporation of British Columbia",
"CAAR": "Alberta Registries",
"CASGI": "Saskatchewan Government Insurance",
"CADSNS": "Department of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations",
"CADPPEI": "Department of Transportation and Public Works of the Province of Prince Edward Island",
"CASNB": "Service New Brunswick",
"CADGSNF": "Department of Government Services and Lands of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador",
"CADTNW": "Department of Transportation of the Northwest Territories",
"CADCTN": "Department of Community Government and Transportation of the Territory of Nunavut",
"CACSC": "Correctional Service Canada identification card (with the individual's name and photograph)",
"CAGCEC": "Government of Canada employee identity card (with the individual's name and photograph)",
"CALCB": "Liquor Control Board Age of Majority (BYID) card",
"CACFL": "Canadian Firearms licence",
"CACFID": "Canadian Forces identification card",
"CAMPIC": "MPIC card issued by the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation",
"CACAID": "NEXUS or CANPASS Air membership card (issued by Canada Border Services Agency)"
"govid_issued_bys": {
"option_depends": {
"CADL": {
"AB": "Alberta",
"BC": "British Columbia",
"MB": "Manitoba",
"NB": "New Brunswick",
"NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador",
"NS": "Nova Scotia",
"NT": "Northwest Territories",
"NU": "Nunavut",
"ON": "Ontario",
"PE": "Prince Edward Island",
"QC": "Quebec",
"SK": "Saskatchewan",
"YT": "Yukon Territory"
"CAHC": {
"BC": "British Columbia",
"NB": "New Brunswick",
"NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador",
"NT": "Northwest Territories",
"NU": "Nunavut",
"QC": "Quebec",
"SK": "Saskatchewan",
"YT": "Yukon Territory"
"CAPID": {
"ON": "Ontario"
"CAP": {
"CANADA": "Canada"
"CAPRC": {
"CANADA": "Canada"
"BC": "British Columbia"
"CAAR": {
"AB": "Alberta"
"CASGI": {
"SK": "Saskatchewan"
"NS": "Nova Scotia"
"PE": "Prince Edward Island"
"CASNB": {
"NB": "New Brunswick"
"NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador"
"NT": "Northwest Territories"
"NU": "Nunavut"
"CACSC": {
"CANADA": "Canada"
"CANADA": "Canada"
"CALCB": {
"AB": "Alberta",
"BC": "British Columbia",
"MB": "Manitoba",
"NB": "New Brunswick",
"NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador",
"NS": "Nova Scotia",
"NT": "Northwest Territories",
"NU": "Nunavut",
"ON": "Ontario",
"PE": "Prince Edward Island",
"QC": "Quebec",
"SK": "Saskatchewan",
"YT": "Yukon Territory"
"CACFL": {
"CANADA": "Canada"
"CANADA": "Canada"
"MB": "Manitoba"
"CANADA": "Canada"
"occupation_ids": {
"options": {
"FE": "Full-time Employment",
"PE": "Part-time Employment",
"SE": "Self-Employed",
"RT": "Retired",
"ST": "Student",
"HM": "Homemaker",
"DS": "Disability",
"SW": "Seasonal Worker",
"UE": "Unemployed with income",
"UW": "Unemployed without income",
"OT": "Other"
"transaction_types": {
"promotional_purchase": "Financed Purchase",
"regular_purchase": "Revolving Purchase"
"plan_ids": {
"1": "90 Days Grace, Equal Payments Regular Interest",
"2": "Equal Payments, Low Interest",
"4": "Equal Payments, Regular Interest",
"5": "Equal Payments, No Interest",
"6": "No Interest, No Payments (S.A.C.)",
"7": "No Interest, No Payments",
"9": "No Interest, Minimum monthly payments"
"qcpa_disclosure": "...",
"insurance": "...",
"insurance_tc": "...",
"annual_fees": "...",
"housing_type": {
"Rent": "Rent",
"Owned": "Owned",
"Relatives": "Lives with Relatives",
"Other": "Other"
POST /client-id/{clientId}/widget/init
The Flexiti widget is used for the Online channel only, and is for high orchestration scenarios, such as customer verification and multiple account selection. It is a UI component that’s an entry point to the Flexiti purchase flow.
For full Widget documentation start here - Flexiti Widget - POS API Online Channel Purchase Flow