Code | Error | Scenario |
400 | sms_not_valid_phone | Phone number on file invalid/missing |
403 | Insufficient scope: authorized scope is insufficient | Scope of the token is not sufficient to access the endpoint |
404 | not_found | Customer Account or VCC is not found |
409 | invalid_role | The Developer Portal account being used is not provisioned for the API being accessed. Please contact Flexiti Implementation Support. |
409 | merchant_override_is_not_allowed | Merchant is not configured for Merchant Override |
409 | regular_purchase_bypass_is_not_allowed |
409 | piw_mismatch | Personal Identification word entered does not match what is on file for the customer |
409 | secret_answer_mismatch | Security question answer does not match what is on file for the customer |
409 | wrong_inputs | Invalid parameter |
Code | Error | Scenario |
403 | Insufficient scope: authorized scope is insufficient | Scope of the token is not sufficient to access the endpoint |
404 | not_found | Customer Account, VCC, or transaction , not found |
409 | invalid_role | The Developer Portal account being used is not provisioned for the API being accessed. Please contact Flexiti Implementation Support. |
409 | general_error | A generic error covering back-end process issues |
409 | invalid_transaction_type | wrong value for transaction type in the request |
409 | wrong_verification_code | Verification code entered is incorrect |
409 | verification_code_required | Verification code is a required parameter. |
409 | user_not_active | Customer Account is not activated |
409 | user_not_able_to_purchase | Customer account status different to normal (NNOR) |
409 | limit_payment_amount_24 | Payments made on the account exceed the $10,000/day limit |
409 | not_enough_credit | Customer does not have enough open to buy for transaction amount |
409 | not_verified | For in-store channel the request_id does not match the one passed in the /verify endpoint |
409 | external_location_id_not_found | The external location ID being passed is not registered with Flexiti |
409 | account_type_not_permitted | The merchant is not able to support this account type (open/closed loop scenarios) |
409 | vcc_account_mismatch | The vcc number being passed in the request does not belong to the account number. |
409 | wrong_inputs | Invalid parameter |
Code | Error | Scenario |
403 | Insufficient scope: authorized scope is insufficient | Scope of the token is not sufficient to access the endpoint |
404 | not_found | Customer Account or Capture ID not found |
409 | invalid_role | The Developer Portal account being used is not provisioned for the API being accessed. Please contact Flexiti Implementation Support. |
409 | general_error | A generic error covering back-end process issues |
409 | refunds_limit_exceeded_amount | Refund amount exceeds account balance limit. |
409 | external_location_id_not_found | The external location ID being passed is not registered with Flexiti |
409 | account_type_not_permitted | The merchant is not able to support this account type (open/closed loop scenarios) |
409 | vcc_account_mismatch | The vcc number being passed in the request does not belong to the account number. |
409 | capture_amount_exceeded | Return amount is greater than the remaining captured amount. |
409 | wrong_inputs | Invalid parameter |