POS API Endpoint Overview
The Flexiti POS API Endpoints is divided into 5 categories:
Authentication - Required mechanisms to authenticate a 3rd party session.
Customers - Endpoints required to identify a Flexiti customer.
CreditApps - Endpoints that allow Merchant customers to apply for new credit.
Transactions - - Endpoints required to post transactions (purchases and returns).
Merchants - Endpoints that allow the retrieval of transaction information for daily activities.
POS API - Widget
Endpoints: Authentication
Required mechanisms to authenticate a 3rd party session and trigger the integration to the API.
POST /oauth/token
Please note the parameters should not be passed as Query string, the service is expecting an application/x-www-form-url encoded payload.
This service Authenticates the developer user and provides a Bearer Token that needs to be used as part of every future request.
The refresh token is used to get a new access token once the current one has expired.
In order to use it add the refresh token (provided in the original /oauth/token call) and change the grant_type to refresh_token.
Type | Parameter | Required | Details |
FORMDATA | client_id | Yes |
FORMDATA | client_secret | Yes |
BODY | grant_type |
Parameter | Case | Error Type |
Example Value:
{ "client_id": "flexitidemo", "client_secret": "77fde15a-9d33-4e15-930a-76e4b3ae33e9", "grant_type": "client_credentials" }
Success Response:
200 - Success
{ "token_type": "bearer", "access_token": "3d8f373a9a2b1e61baf5abb69930ff4f0e08cdb0", "expires_in": 1200, "refresh_token": "36e0fc3d7415185f4b1d71512c459fd6eaa13aa8" }
POST /client-id/{client_id}/merchants/login
This service will log in the Merchant session and provide back an updated version of the list of parameters based on the language variable provided. This is required within the session to ensure the Merchant has the latest version of all parameters.
Type | Parameter | Required | Details |
HEADER | authorization | Yes |
PATH | client_id | Yes |
QUERY | lang |
| |
BODY | merchant_username |
| |
BODY | merchant_password |
Parameter | Case | Error Type |
Example Value:
{ "merchant_username": "merchantonline", "merchant_password": "dice-manila-purism" }
Success Response:
200 - Success
{ "merchant_name": "European Restorations", "merchant_id": "382", "form_values": { "salutation": { "options": { "mr": "Mr.", "ms": "Ms.", "mrs": "Mrs.", "mss": "Miss." } }, "province": { "options": { "AB": "Alberta", "BC": "British Columbia", "MB": "Manitoba", "NB": "New Brunswick", "NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador", "NS": "Nova Scotia", "NT": "Northwest Territories", "NU": "Nunavut", "ON": "Ontario", "PE": "Prince Edward Island", "QC": "Quebec", "SK": "Saskatchewan", "YT": "Yukon Territory" } }, "security_qid": { "options": { "4": "What is the name of your favourite childhood friend?", "5": "What is the country of your ultimate dream vacation?", "6": "What was the first concert you attended?", "7": "What is the name of the street you grew up on?", "8": "What is the name of your first grade teacher?", "9": "What is your favourite movie?" } }, "govid_type": { "options": { "CADL": "Driver's Licence", "CAHC": "Health Card", "CAPID": "Provincial ID Card", "CAP": "Passport", "CAPRC": "Permanent Resident Card", "CAICBC": "Insurance Corporation of British Columbia", "CAAR": "Alberta Registries", "CASGI": "Saskatchewan Government Insurance", "CADSNS": "Department of Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations", "CADPPEI": "Department of Transportation and Public Works of the Province of Prince Edward Island", "CASNB": "Service New Brunswick", "CADGSNF": "Department of Government Services and Lands of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador", "CADTNW": "Department of Transportation of the Northwest Territories", "CADCTN": "Department of Community Government and Transportation of the Territory of Nunavut", "CACSC": "Correctional Service Canada identification card (with the individual's name and photograph)", "CAGCEC": "Government of Canada employee identity card (with the individual's name and photograph)", "CALCB": "Liquor Control Board Age of Majority (BYID) card", "CACFL": "Canadian Firearms licence", "CACFID": "Canadian Forces identification card", "CAMPIC": "MPIC card issued by the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation", "CACAID": "NEXUS or CANPASS Air membership card (issued by Canada Border Services Agency)" } }, "govid_issued_by": { "option_depends": { "CADL": { "AB": "Alberta", "BC": "British Columbia", "MB": "Manitoba", "NB": "New Brunswick", "NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador", "NS": "Nova Scotia", "NT": "Northwest Territories", "NU": "Nunavut", "ON": "Ontario", "PE": "Prince Edward Island", "QC": "Quebec", "SK": "Saskatchewan", "YT": "Yukon Territory" }, "CAHC": { "BC": "British Columbia", "NB": "New Brunswick", "NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador", "NT": "Northwest Territories", "NU": "Nunavut", "QC": "Quebec", "SK": "Saskatchewan", "YT": "Yukon Territory" }, "CAPID": { "ON": "Ontario" }, "CAP": { "CANADA": "Canada" }, "CAPRC": { "CANADA": "Canada" }, "CAICBC": { "BC": "British Columbia" }, "CAAR": { "AB": "Alberta" }, "CASGI": { "SK": "Saskatchewan" }, "CADSNS": { "NS": "Nova Scotia" }, "CADPPEI": { "PE": "Prince Edward Island" }, "CASNB": { "NB": "New Brunswick" }, "CADGSNF": { "NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador" }, "CADTNW": { "NT": "Northwest Territories" }, "CADCTN": { "NU": "Nunavut" }, "CACSC": { "CANADA": "Canada" }, "CAGCEC": { "CANADA": "Canada" }, "CALCB": { "AB": "Alberta", "BC": "British Columbia", "MB": "Manitoba", "NB": "New Brunswick", "NL": "Newfoundland & Labrador", "NS": "Nova Scotia", "NT": "Northwest Territories", "NU": "Nunavut", "ON": "Ontario", "PE": "Prince Edward Island", "QC": "Quebec", "SK": "Saskatchewan", "YT": "Yukon Territory" }, "CACFL": { "CANADA": "Canada" }, "CACFID": { "CANADA": "Canada" }, "CAMPIC": { "MB": "Manitoba" }, "CACAID": { "CANADA": "Canada" } } }, "offer_types": [ { "plan_name": "90 Days Grace, Equal Payments Regular Interest", "term_options": [ 18, 36, 48, 72 ], "plan_id": "1", "offer_category": "equal_billing" }, { "plan_name": "Equal Payments, Low Interest", "term_options": [ 3, 6, 40, 60 ], "plan_id": "2", "offer_category": "equal_billing" }, { "plan_name": "Equal Payments, Regular Interest", "term_options": [ 3, 6, 18, 36, 72 ], "plan_id": "4", "offer_category": "equal_billing" }, { "plan_name": "Equal Payments, No Interest", "term_options": [ 3, 6, 10, 20, 30, 40 ], "plan_id": "5", "offer_category": "equal_billing" }, { "plan_name": "No Interest, No Payments (S.A.C.)", "term_options": [ 3, 6, 8 ], "plan_id": "6", "offer_category": "deferred_payment" }, { "plan_name": "No Interest, No Payments ", "term_options": [ 3, 12 ], "plan_id": "7", "offer_category": "deferred_payment" }, { "plan_name": "No Interest, Minimum monthly payments", "term_options": [ 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 ], "plan_id": "9", "offer_category": "deferred_payment" } ] } }
Endpoints: CreditApps
Endpoints that allow Customers to Apply for new Credit.
GET /client-id/{client_id}/terms-and-conditions
Serves a HTML of the terms and conditions a Customer must approve for a Credit Application with Flexiti.
Applicants from Quebec will be served terms and conditions specific to Quebec Residents in compliance with the QCPA. All other provinces will be served terms and conditions for the rest of Canada.
Type | Parameter | Required | Details |
HEADER | authorization | Yes |
PATH | client_id | Yes |
QUERY | lang |
| |
QUERY | province |
Parameter | Case | Error Type |
Example Value:
Success Response:
200 - Success
<div id='tcs'>... </div>
POST /client-id/{client_id}/apply
This endpoint is used for new Customer applications.
Quebec applicants must pass the monthly_housing_expenses parameter. Upon successful adjudication, Quebec applicant responses will include a debt_ratio parameter which must be displayed to the applicant along with the available credit. The applicant must then be given the option to cancel the adjudicated application (through the POST /client-id/{client_id}/customers/close-account endpoint).
Type | Parameter | Required | Details |
HEADER | authorization | Yes |
PATH | client_id | Yes |
BODY | amount_requested | Yes |
BODY | phone_number | Yes |
BODY | Yes |
| |
BODY | language |
| |
BODY | salutation | Yes |
BODY | first_name | Yes |
BODY | middle_name |
| |
BODY | last_name | Yes |
BODY | dob | Yes |
BODY | address_1 |
| |
BODY | address_2 | Yes |
BODY | city | Yes |
BODY | province | Yes |
BODY | postal_code | Yes |
BODY | govid_type |
| |
BODY | govid_issuedby |
| |
BODY | govid_number |
| |
BODY | govid_expiry |
| |
BODY | input_type |
| |
BODY | personal_income | Yes |
BODY | household_income | Yes |
BODY | monthly_housing_expenses |
| |
BODY | housing_type | Yes |
BODY | occupation_id | Yes |
BODY | occupation_title | Yes |
BODY | employer_name |
| |
BODY | employer_phone |
| |
BODY | sin |
| |
BODY | security_qid | Yes |
BODY | security_answer | Yes |
BODY | piw | Yes |
BODY | tos_agreement | Yes |
Example Value:
{ "amount_requested": 5000, "phone_number": "5551231231", "language": "en-CA", "salutation": "mr", "first_name": "John", "middle_name": "Grey", "last_name": "Doe", "dob": "1990-01-01", "address_1": "123 Any Street", "address_2": "Apt C", "govid_expiry": "2020-12-12", "city": "Montreal", "province": "QC", "postal_code": "A1A0H1", "govid_type": "CAP", "monthly_housing_expenses": 1000, "govid_issuedby": "CANADA", "govid_number": "ab121212", "input_type": "manual", "personal_income": 123123, "household_income": 223123, "housing_type": "Rent", "email": "email@address.com", "occupation_id": "FE", "occupation_title": "Baker", "employer_name": "Tasty Bakery", "employer_phone": "1231231231", "sin": "123123123", "security_qid": "8", "security_answer": "Horse", "piw": "Cloud", "tos_agreement": true }
Success Response:
200 - Success - ROC applicant
{ "vcc_number": 6374980100408234, "account_number": 20035156, "customer_id": 43353, "available_credit": 5000, "credit_limit": 5000, "risk_rating": "L" }
200 - Success - QC applicant
{ "vcc_number": 6374980100408234, "account_number": 20035156, "customer_id": 43353, "available_credit": 5000, "credit_limit": 5000, "risk_rating": "L", "offer_types": [ { "plan_name": "90 Days Grace, Equal Payments Regular Interest", "plan_id": "1", "offer_category": "equal_billing", "term_options": [ "12", "18", "24", "36" ] } ], "debt_ratio": 0 }
Error Responses:
401 - Unauthorized - Invalid Token
{ "code": 401, "error": "invalid_token", "error_description": "The access token provided is invalid." }
400 - Conflict - Invalid Client
{ "code": 400, "error": "invalid_client", "error_description": "Client credentials are invalid" }
400 - Conflict - Invalid client ID
{ "code": 400, "error": "invalid_client", "error_description": "Invalid or missing client_id parameter" }
400 - Conflict - Invalid grant type
{ "code": 400, "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "Invalid or missing grant_type parameter" }
409 - Required Parameters
{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/flexitidemo/apply", "message": "Some inputs are wrong!", "error": "wrong_inputs", "field_errors": [ { "param": "phone_number", "msg": "required" } ] }
409 - No TOS
{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/flexitidemo/apply", "message": "It has been following errors:", "error": "tos_agreement_required" }
409 - Existing Customer
{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/flexitidemo/apply", "message": "It has been following errors:", "error": "customer_already_exists" }
409 - Credit App Not Found
{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/flexitidemo/apply", "message": "Credit app id Information not found.", "error": "creditapp_id_not_found" }
409 - Application Declined
{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/flexitidemo/apply", "message": "<p>For more information, please call our customer support centre at <span class='no-break'>1-877-259-3750</span> Monday to Friday 9am to 12am ET, Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 9pm ET and we'd be happy to help.</p>", "error": "application_declined" }
409 - Application Creation Error
{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/flexitidemo/apply", "message": "<h1>We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties that we are trying to fix as soon as possible.</h1><p>Unfortunately, as a result, we are unable to proceed with your application right now.<br/><br/>Have questions? We’re happy to help. Just give us a call at 1-877-259-3750.</p>", "error": "application_create_error" }
409 - Application Marked Pending
{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/flexitidemo/apply", "message": "<p>For more information, please call our customer support centre at <span class='no-break'>1-877-259-3750</span> Monday to Friday 9am to 12am ET, Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 9pm ET and we'd be happy to help.</p>", "error": "application_marked_pending" }
409 - Application Declined 2
{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/flexitidemo/apply", "message": "<p>For more information, please call our customer support centre at <span class='no-break'>1-877-259-3750</span> Monday to Friday 9am to 12am ET, Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 9pm ET and we'd be happy to help.</p>", "error": "application_declined_2" }
409 - Application Declined 3
{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/flexitidemo/apply", "message": "<h1>Unfortunately we can’t seem to find a credit history for you.</h1><p>If you think this is an error, please give us a call at 1-877-259-3750 Monday to Friday 9am to 12am ET, Saturday and Sunday 9am to 9pm ET and we’d be happy to help.</p>", "error": "application_declined_3" }
409 - Application Marked Pending 2
{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/flexitidemo/apply", "message": "<p>For more information, please call our customer support centre at <span class='no-break'>1-877-259-3750</span> Monday to Friday 9am to 12am ET, Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 9pm ET and we'd be happy to help.</p>", "error": "application_marked_pending_2" }
409 - SIN Wrong Format
{ "url": "/flexiti/pos-api/v2.5/client-id/flexitidemo/apply", "message": "Some inputs are wrong!", "error": "wrong_inputs", "field_errors": [ { "param": "SIN", "msg": "wrong format" } ] }