Type | Parameter | Details |
BODY | available_credit | number (18,2) Customer’s open to buy
BODY | account_number | |
BODY | customer_id | |
BODY | security_qid.id | |
BODY | security_qid.text | |
BODY | address_1 | ASCII string (250) Customer Address Line 1
BODY | address_2 | ASCII string (100) Customer Address Line 2
BODY | city | ASCII string (100) Customer City
BODY | postal_code | ASCII string (10) Customer Postal Code
BODY | province | ASCII string (2) Customer Province (2 character syntax, ex. ON for Ontario) Available values: AB, BC, MB, NB, NL, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT.
BODY | payment_protection | |
BODY | risk_rating | ASCII string (4) Risk rating of the Customer Possible values: L, M, H, XH, XXH, XXXH L - Low M - Medium H - High XH - X-High XXH - XX-High XXXH - XXX-High
BODY | offer_types.plan_name | |
BODY | offer_types.plan_id | |
BODY | offer_types.offer_category | ASCII string Category of the promotional plans available to the customer Available values: equal_billing, deferred_payment
BODY | offer_types.term_options | |
BODY | card_ending_in | |
BODY | preferred_language | |
BODY | email | ASCII string (75) This will be a masked representation of the customer’s email address This can be used to validate with the email destination with the customer for the dynamic pin on POST /client-id/{client_id}/account/{account_number}/verify (In-store)
BODY | phone_number | ASCII string (12) This will be the last four digits of the customer’s phone number, the rest of the digits will be masked This can be used to validate with the sms destination with the customer for the dynamic pin on POST /client-id/{client_id}/account/{account_number}/verify (In-store)